Test your critical Thinking Level

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The Game consist of Three Levels Beginner, Intermediate and Advance. Each level contains two extra Levels Level 1 & Level 2

Beginner gives you four Boxes.

Level 1 gives you two(2) empty boxes to fill.
Level 2 gives you three(3) empty boxes to fill.

Intermediate gives you Six Boxes.

Level 1 gives you three(3) empty boxes to fill.
Level 2 gives you four(4) empty boxes to fill.

Advance gives you Nine(9) Boxes.

Level 1 gives you four(4) empty boxes to fill.
Level 2 gives you five(5) empty boxes to fill.

Use BODMAS rule

Take note of the signs between the pair of boxes

+ Addition
x Multiplication
- Subtraction

EXAMPLE: 2 + 4 x 3 You would evaluate 4 x 3 first
and then add the results to2 hence the final result will be 2 + 12 = 14

EXAMPLE: 8 - 5 + 3 You would evaluate 5 + 3 first
and then subtract the results from8 hence the final result will be 8 - 8 = 0

Submit your results when you are sure of your answer

* Please note that scores are not saved and will reset when you go to a different Level at all times

You can Reshuffle the numbers by Clicking on the Shuffle Button